Advanced Sprinkler Technology, Inc

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Sprinkler seminars…

New products. New code changes. Updates to existing codes. There are so many great reasons to stay up-to date on fire protection.

We saw some new technology for low point drains / drum drips to combat freeze and breaks. From heated drum drip cabinets with freeze alarms to fully autonomous low point drains.

New advancements in LISTED antifreeze.

Being located in the northeast can lead to some extreme cold during the winter months. The options for fire protection range from installing a dry system to installing an antifreeze loop.

Flexible sprinklers are the future. Cutting down on labor drastically saves time and money. Flexible dry sprinklers allow the installation of dry sprinklers without the usual wait time of ordering custom dry sprinklers. And now with the introduction of wet flexible sprinklers, a true 1 piece design, there are no extra calculations needed when designing. The flexible sprinkler is calibrated at a 5.6k

In the ever changing world of Fire Protection it’s important to stay up-to date on what products and information will set you apart from the rest.